Through their hard work and dogged determination a small group of parents regrouped the PTFA about 20 months ago and now, thanks to all the people who have to date, given their time, energy and brain power, it is going from strength to strength.

We currently meet on the first Wednesday of every month in the school hall, immediately after our children start their school day.  Parents with pre-school children are very welcome, as a play area is set up for their use.  This seems to be working out as we have had a reasonable turn out.  Although, we are open to suggestions and in the past have met in the local pub, someone's house etc...  Everyone is very welcome because as a parent/guardian you are automatically a member of the PTFA and yes, our children need you!

WHY?  Because we want to raise as much money as possible to help develop the outside area of the school.  There are lots of ways we can do this, too numerous to mention, but basically our intent is to enable all the children to explore the world outside the classroom, by creating an enriched learning environment.  To do this effectively, we need to raise funds to help the school’s existing systems; to provide the little things that matter.  Any ideas you have to help us to achieve this will be warmly welcomed.

Kind regards
Helen Nightingale

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